The Indian Lake Association’s mission is to:
- Preserve and enhance the environment and the natural and recreational resources in and around Indian Lake.
- Monitor and protect the water quality and integrity of native species in the lake and surrounding waters.
- Prevent the introduction of invasive species into the lake.
- Promote environmentally responsible and safe recreational use and enjoyment of the lake and surrounding area, including boating, swimming, fishing, winter sports, and other activities.
- Support the preservation of the natural and peaceful atmosphere in and around the lake, including maintenance of water levels and flow consistent with traditional recreational uses.
The Association’s regular activities include conducting annual surveys of the lake to identify any invasive aquatic plants before they can gain a foothold. The Association conducts its invasives program in partnership with the Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program (APPIP). Association volunteers are trained by APPIP professionals to properly survey the lake, identify native and non-native species, and report results annually for compilation by APPIP.
Each year, Association volunteers take water samples from the lake and submit them for water quality testing. The results continue to show excellent water quality.
The Association also monitors variations in the water level of the lake and communicates with the regulating authority, the Hudson River Black River Regulating District, concerning target water levels in an effort to maintain predictable seasonal fluctuations.
We publish annually the Indian Lake Boater’s Guide that is made available to the public at launch sites and other locations in town.
We award the Indian Lake Association Dick Merrill Scholarship to a local high school graduate who has exemplified good stewardship of the lake and the environment in general, to assist in his or her further education.
The Association responds to other issues that arise periodically that may affect the safe, peaceful and environmentally responsible use of the lake or the surrounding community.